Working With Charities & Landlords In Kent

Kent, often referred to as the Garden of England, is becoming a sought-after destination for business investment. Its strategic location, bridging London, the South-East and Europe, offers unparalleled access to major markets.

Businesses in Kent enjoy efficient logistics and distribution channels as well as a highly skilled workforce. These advantages have been noted by Local Government and, as a result, development projects and grants are relatively common.

This means Kent’s towns and cities are an attractive proposition for both established companies and startups looking to expand or relocate.

Our role within Kent’s commercial property sector is supporting landlords and owners with empty properties to mitigate against business rates. We do this by introducing them to charities and good causes needing space. It’s a win-win scenario that contributes positively to local Kent communities.

Contact us to know more.

If you are representing a COMPANY please fill up this form.

If you are representing a CHARITY please fill up this form.